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Requirements to qualify for the PCAARRD Startup Grant

•    Endorsement letter from the DOST Regional Director (DOST regional office where the enterprise is located)

•    When applicable, endorsement from the technology business incubation (TBI) facility where the startup is located.

•    Enterprise must be in operation for one to seven years.
•    Up-to-date copy of registration at either DTI, SEC or CDA (if cooperative); Business Permit and other related legal documents
•    Co-signers Statement (if applicable); 
•    Mayor’s permit where the business is located; 
•    Copy of latest Income Tax Return;
•    Audited Financial Statements for the past three (3) years (if applicable); and or other financial reports;
•    Disclosure of other related business, if any;
•    List of ongoing and completed Research & Development  projects (if any); 
•    Has a legal personality to issue an Official Receipt for the receipt of the grant.
•    Sworn Affidavits from all of the startup owners/incorporators/stockholders/organizers/ partners, directors and/or officers that they are not agents of or related by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth civil degree to any DOST officer authorized to process and/or approve the grant and release of funds.

Proposal and other documents for submission:

A. Detailed Project Proposal (DOST Form 2), should contain the following information:

Title of the proposed project
Duration of the proposed project
Description of the startup and the founders
Description of the product and value proposition
Background of the startup and the development of the technology (evolution of the startup, first prototype, first test, first sale)
Description of the target market and size
Competitive advantage analysis using a comparative advantage table
IP status and protection
Objective and scope of the proposed project
Methodology and expected outputs
Detailed business plan

B. Project Workplan (DOST Form 5)
C. Line Item Budget (DOST Form 4)
D. Curriculum Vitae of Project Leader


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